
An index of my blog posts.

  1. Creative coding: designing my logo using code

    I've been learning to code and make generative art using Processing and GLSL (shaders) this past week. My fascination with creative coding started back in third grade, when I first learned how to make simple...

  2. A day trip to Elora

    Recently, I had the pleasure of visiting Elora for a day trip with my cousin and family (including my adorable little niece!)

    Elora is a charming little town and it was the perfect backdrop for a...

  3. A day trip to Niagara Falls

  4. 2023, a recap

    Warm sunlight is spilling through my window, defying the season's usual cloak of grey, bathing the room in a golden glow. It is not the greatest backdrop for reflection and sifting through the memories that...

  5. Build tables, not fences

    As I lay in bed, stirred by the gentle chirping of birds in the early morning hours, sleep slipping away like elusive dreams, I found comfort in the glow of my phone screen. On Instagram,...

  6. a prayer

    let me stay gentle and tender-hearted despite my hardships and failings,
    let me always be unapologetically true to myself with no fear of prejudice and judgment,
    let me have the strength and courage to actively quell my...