Week 39, 2024: Onwards and upwards

G'day folks.

I've been busy balancing house hunting and job interviewing this week. Some interviews were especially stressful and didn't go well. Not complaining, just rolling with it. Life happens, and you take things in stride.

I also felt a tad existential on the side. Again, not complaining—simply acknowledging. At the end of the day, I see this period as a form of growth. You have got to keep a sense of humor about it all, I suppose. In the end, I'm hoping to catch a break. Onwards and upwards.

On a lighter note, I've been keeping up with different side projects and fun creative ideas. I've made some progress on the branding and identity for Studio Finch (getting close!), and am working on posters and other fun ideas whenever the muse strikes.

Image showing explorations and iterations of the Studio Finch logo.

The first R4 poster below is very much work in progress; still in the process of exploring ideas.

Image showing a work in progress poster for R4 Ridge Racer Type 4 Image showing a work in progress poster for R4 Ridge Racer Type 4 in a Bauhaus/Swiss style.

I'm also thinking about participating in a contest to design an 80s neon-themed landing page, just for fun. That led to me designing an 80s neon logotype in Figma. Fun fun fun. (Void Sauce™️ is an inside joke between me and a friend.)

Image showing retro 80s neon logotype with text that reads VOID SAUCE. Image showing retro 80s neon logotype with text that reads VOID SAUCE in a CRT TV apparatus.

I explored creative coding a bit and was able to produce this work which I call Stillness. It was pretty satisfying once I figured things out, but it definitely took me a long time. I'm not great at maths or converting abstractions into logic, but I reckon I'm getting better. I just have to keep at it.

A GIF showing concentric circles radiating outwards from the center to simulate a ripple effect.

Despite the busyness, I've been playing some Resident Evil (2002) here and there and I think I'm nearing the end. After playing RE2 remake this game felt old and dated, but it's still very playable and fun to this day. I've also been listening to a lot of thrash and black metal this week.

Today I finished reading The Mist by Stephen King and absolutely loved it. I really enjoy his writing style, and am keen on diving into more of his short stories in Skeleton Crew.

Until next time. Toodles!

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