Week 38, 2024: Picking up generative art

First week note! Woot!

It hasn't been a particularly exciting week in terms of my daily life. I've been helping my parents with house hunting, which has taken up a bit of my time. Other than that, I spent most of yesterday cleaning my mechanical keyboard. It had been a while, so I spent a lot of time brushing all the keycaps in warm, soapy water to get them extra clean and shiny. Very satisfying.

In terms of work, things have been eventful. First, I've been learning to code using Processing and am making good progress. I've been interested in making generative art for a long time now, and I'm excited to finally start exploring it. Also I made some updates to this blog—refactoring some of the code and adding two sections to my Info page—sharing the tools I use and my general interests.

I also set up a folder structure for Obsidian (I'm currently writing my post in it!) My goal is to use it to better organise my ideas, thoughts, and writings. Since I tend to consume a lot of information, I want to bring some order to my notes so I can use/refer to them mindfully later. I think it'll also help me better organise my writing by giving me a single source of truth for all my notes.

I have been talking to a friend about starting our own design studio. We've been working on a website and designing the branding around it. The studio is going to be called "Finch". Pretty exciting to see it come to life!

Also, I rewatched this really great movie, My Cousin Vinny today. It's my dad's favourite, and it still makes me laugh every time. Marisa Tomei's performance is so good. Highly recommended if you haven't seen it!

Until next time!

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